We frequently attend international conferences in various topics (material model, structures). Our scientific achievements are usually published at these conferences, and also in our publication site in order to be accessible for others as well. Nearly fifty of our publications have been made public in the past years primarily in the field of laboratory- and numeric-based analysis of the synthetic reinforced concrete.
Our calculation methods were approved by the international ITATech Activity Group, implementing those to its design guideline. As a member of the working group WG 2.4.2 developing the material models for the fib fibre reinforced concrete, we have the opportunity to cooperate in creating the standards.
In 2016, joined by the Cervenka Consulting, we won a tender financed by the European Union to develop a numeric material model for fibre reinforced concrete. By the end of the project and with the help of the methods developed and used by us the material models will get to several thousand finite element software users.
We believe that the only way developing ourselves and our design culture can be carried out is by reconsidering standards and design principles.