
High impact research papers
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December 2023
The demand for jointless industrial floors is increasing, but there are no relevant agreed-upon standards or design recommendations, particularly...
December 2023
Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is a composite material whose post-crack response is highly dependent on the properties of the mixed fibers, as...
December 2023
Macro synthetic fibre reinforcement has become widely used in concrete structures, such as tramlines, tunnels, industrial floors and precast elements.
December 2023
This study proposes a method that considers the number and location of fibres when estimating the post-crack performance of a cracked cross...
January 2020
Concrete Structures - DOI: 10.32970/CS.2020.1.1
June 2017
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
February 2015
Sínek Világa 2015/3
January 2015
Sínek Világa 2015/2
October 2014
Four large-scale, prismatic, T-shaped beams with 19 m span were produced without stirrups, but 2 with synthetic fibres and 2 with steel fibres.
February 2014
Innotéka. Tudomány, Innováció, Zöldgazdaság Vol. 4 (September 2014)
November 2013
Beton 21:(11-12)
September 2013
Fibre Concrete 2013: Technology, Design, Application (FC2013) Prague, Czech Republic: 2013.09.12 – 2013.09.13