Fibre reinforced concrete constitutive laws for numerical simulation (2017)
31 August 2017

Fibre reinforced concrete constitutive laws for numerical simulation (2017)

Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Concrete Structures (CCC2017) Tokaj, Hungary: 2017.08.31 – 2017.09.01

Determination of appropriate material parameters for the fibre reinforced concrete material model in design and assessment of structures is an important task, which is necessary for realistic modelling of FRC structures. Various recommendations and definitions are specified by specialized groups as RILEM, fib or ACI. These recommendations deal with test results of beam submitted to three or four point bending load with or without notch. Authors compared these documents and applied the determined parameters in numerical simulations. As the achieved results were not very satisfactory, a new solution for definition of the FRC parameters should be found. Presented solutions involve inverse analysis of results and method proposed by Juhász (Juhász, 2013). This methodology applies so-called modified fracture energy: the fracture energy of concrete is extended by energy contribution related to fibres.

#CCC #FRC #Cervenka

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